Drag and drop html editor for mac
Drag and drop html editor for mac

Obviously we want you to have the best experience possible, but we looked at this carefully and any versions before this simply aren’t going to be able to support the advanced features of the editor. We have decided to support the last two major versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. You can create as many blocks as you need, there is no limit.Ī. How many blocks are supported in a message?Ī. You can change the background colour by clicking the settings button in the toolbar and either dragging the crosshair to the colour you want or entering a hex code.

drag and drop html editor for mac

The messages will automatically adapt to look amazing on phones, tablets and desktop computers. All emails created using the D&DE will be fully responsive – not just mobile friendly.

drag and drop html editor for mac

Is my message mobile-friendly or responsive?Ī. Not only will the JavaScript not work in the email, it may actually cause your email to be blocked by some spam filters. The majority of email clients do not support the use of JavaScript. If you can include it as part of a URL, you can specify it in the URL editing box in the same way you can with our other editors.Ī. Can I specify my own URL parameters in your URL Editor?Ī. You’ll find it easier than ever to add images to your work for a truly brilliant result. Whatever limits were previously applied will remain in place, and your previous content is preserved. I have a folder of shared images that my head office provided which contains common images – if we all have to have the same does this count against my FTP limit of 500MB?Ī. I have a corporate image library – how do I share this? If you’ve got content in there from previous messages, you’ll be able to work with this and create messages with relevant content quickly and easily. This is shared in exactly the same way as it was before. For that reason, we don’t allow images to be renamed once in the upload library – just in case! If you do need a different version of an image, you can change it outside of Pure360 and then upload with a new name.

drag and drop html editor for mac

Once an image has been used in an email, renaming it could cause all delivered emails that use that image to break. Can I name new versions of a photo when I save them?Ī. From the ‘Saved Components’ toolbox you can then reuse anything that you have previously saved. Click on any component you would like to save, click the ‘…’ icon and then click on the star to save as a ‘Saved Component’. Can I save the blocks that I want to reuse?Ī. Messages created in the D&DE are only able to be used in the D&DE. Can I move a message from the D&DE to the original visual editor?Ī. Can I see and edit the HTML of my message?Ī. All emails created using the D&DE will be responsive the messages will automatically adapt to look amazing on smart phones, tablets and desktop computers.

Drag and drop html editor for mac